It's certainly been a while since my last post! A year...
We are certainly walking a little older, wiser, newer, sweeter, stronger, and a little more broken than we were in January of 2012. We are more different and more the same, and more together, which is my favorite.
These days we have been in transition mode...
We had a splendid holiday. Curtis stole my heart again with a romantic getaway! We walked on white sand, swam with sea turtles 50 feet under, simply enjoyed doing absolutely nothing important or pressing for 5 days in 80 degrees of tropical wonder.
But home we came and 80 degrees quickly became 25 and time together now quickly leaves at 7am and doesn't return until 5 with books and papers and projects vying for his attention...

Job applications, cardboard boxes, month-to-month leasing, lots of prayers and one big national board exam. This season has been long awaited, long anticipated but somehow it seems that it has sprung upon us all of the sudden and I find myself walking tip-toed, reluctantly, clinging to hope, wisdom, trust, peace... not knowing what it will bring, where He will lead.
Still, we'll embrace it somehow. We'll walk forward. These days will be long remembered for how they challenged us, how we changed. These days will be the springboard to something very, very new. I will take each one as it's given. Oh, let them not be wasted. Let them be sweet.