We've come a long way from this day, nearly a year ago now...
We had no idea how far or how suddenly our lives would change.
So much wonder and venture and love all rushing over us like the great Columbia tide.
We've found comfort and friendship and simple pleasures amidst the ever-changing current of our course. Content, yet certain the road leads on...
He has been so steady, so unwaveringly true.
So easy to follow, so pleasing to love.
We've actually had a lot of fun!
Despite the loneliness, the far-away feelings I sometimes get,
we've managed to splurge on adventure and romance and even make a few dreams come true.
We've explored beaches and mountain tops, searched our hearts and fathomed realities.
We've imagined things we never thought possible, never dared to hope.
Now it's been nearly a year and we're on the verge of a whole new season.
About to witness a miracle and experience a love neither of us can truly prepare for.
We'll take it all in stride like we've done thus far.
We may have taken the long road, but we've always enjoyed the view.
The farther we roam, the closer home seems to be.
Because home is a thing of the heart.