Thursday, May 15, 2014


The long months have transformed into numbered weeks
and now mere days exist between me and my heart being laid bare
My world turned inside-out… literally!
It all comes down to a moment. 
A day that will be marked on my life's timeline forever
The day I meet the one who makes me a mama
Ending one journey to start another.
A day filled with promise and praise
Though not void of pain and purposed work.
It will be the work of grace.
For the joy set before me I will endure…
His grace made complete in me…
These last few weeks have shown me how weak I truly am.
How needful I am of His strength and patience 
His faith that all will be well
That all will come together for good.
And this gives me peace undeniable
Hope to anchor my soul
Dispelling lies and fear.
As my mother reminded me today,
He knows all her days, 
Especially the day of her birth!
And His ways are not our ways
But His ways are always good.