You were born at twenty-nine minutes past the hour on the twenty-ninth day of the month.
Now all too soon the twenty-ninth day has come again and you are one month old!
Looking back at your precious yellow-tinted newborn skin,
all six and one half pounds of you,
how you nestled into our arms and home and lives so perfectly.
Your sweet, sleepy self settled right into any warm soft place I placed you
and we marveled, though sleepy ourselves, but so in love we never cared.
And then suddenly two weeks had flown by and you became curious of your new world,
making noises and coming out of your womb-like shell of a personality.
We marveled again.
We wanted you to know we were watching, listening,
always attentive to your needs, always loving you.
You grew and grew!
Surpassing your birthweight you are now over 9 pounds
Each day it seems we could never love you more
and yet each day that passes the more in love we fall.
You've captured our hearts little one!
And now the twenty-ninth day is special in so many ways.
Each month you will grow and change.
And we will try our very best not to blink.
Do try your best to never grow up my dear.
All our love,
Mommy + Daddy