This was our home last August right after we moved in
We knew from day 1 this was not our ideal color for a house
We also knew the entire back and right side of the house needed to be re-sided
So, we saved and prayed for a light rainy winter to keep any water damage at bay
and hired a contractor at the first signs of spring...
Today we are so in love with our new look, it feels like a brand new house!
The crew worked tirelessly every sunny day for nearly a month
Tearing out the old siding, painstakingly putting up the new
Cutting away siding around the windows to add trim and moulding
And finishing out the entrance with beautiful craftsmanship
The painters were incredible, working in the hot sun and
making sure all our detailed requests were met
It took some time and several discussions to get our vision across
But in the end we were so pleased with their work!
The front of the house was a tan color but the back of the house
with the old siding was a dirty yellow color
Yes, the house was 2 colors!

We are so thrilled to see not only all of that yellow gone but to have this beautiful bright white
complimenting the bold blue and making our back patio feel so clean and inviting
The new white rafters of the back awning looking out into the yard
Three mature blueberry bushes are nearly bursting with soon to be ripe berries!
Our lovely Asian pear tree also filled with early fruit
This backyard was the real selling point for me in choosing this home
I am SO excited to see my children playing and exploring together as they age
Knox already loves the baby swing and Nollie enters a whole new world every time
we let her out to wander, dig and play... this girl LOVES dirt!
My newly planted white hydrangea looking lush and ready to boom
Here is a before and after of our front door, the right picture taken last fall
I love how the side windows are incorporated into the trim to make a grand, full entrance
It was my mom who suggested yellow and at first I was hesitant, but now I absolutely love it!
It will make any dreary grey day feel bright and sunny and that is exactly what we need around here
And the new handle adds the perfect contrast, so needed as well!
We found two Adirondack kits at our local Bi-Mart for $30 a piece
It took Curtis one afternoon to build them and another to stain and finish
So worth it when considering how much they retail for!
We have already enjoyed an evening sitting here together under the lovely baskets
Curtis splurged on me for Mother's Day
I have truly ALWAYS dreamed of having a front porch like this, thank you babe!
Some of the blooms around our front porch, different varieties of hydrangea we planted
and a beautiful climbing clematis I divided last fall and planted in front of both posts
It's amazing to see such a transformation and how it affects the inside of our home as well
There have been so, so many projects that go unnoticed but have to get done nonetheless
So getting to see and feel the change in these updates makes the reward seem greater,
and more exciting to share
God knew this was the home for us and we will continue working to
develop its potential as a place of love and safety for our family
as well as a refuge and open door to those around us
Joshua 24:15
"As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD"