the sun was warm as we walked the streets of a new city, so completely different from our last two ventures on this European voyage. the smell of the Mediterranean Sea breeze & flavorful foods we were dying to taste, the sounds of Spanish music, laughter, entertainers, & children at play... the bright colors of flowers & laundry hanging from balconies & window sills... the intricate tiles & sculptures decorating the sides of buildings and fountains in the squares, and the palm & sycamore trees that lined the sidewalks pointing us toward the beach... ah, the sand between our toes! we eagerly changed clothes and joined the locals for a sun bath, dozing off to the sound of waves breaking gently against the shore. it was heavenly! we didn't hesitate to follow custom in this city - enjoying afternoon siestas, late night tapas, & even later night-life with music, dancing and, yes, a few drinks! the people & culture were fantastic. casual conversations on the subway and in restaurants, admiring the same beauty, palates, & desire for adventure. no one dressed or looked even remotely alike - each person easily casting their own unique style into an eclectic and extremely diverse group they call Catalan. and everyone seemed so young at heart! men & women in their sixties out on the town at midnight enjoying tapas and bright conversation... even older-looking Catalonians playing on the beach and going for a cool swim. we loved their loss for time, their love of beauty, their taste and choice of lifestyle so unlike our own...

rich landscapes & simple lifestyles
i love nuts!
fabulous night on the town
the renown Park Guell in honor of the late Gaudi

yet, it was not just indulgences and care-free attitudes that captured our hearts. the city also glories in its' historic, artistic and spiritual foundations. we soon began to notice the styles of architecture and learned of the inspirations derived from the late and aspired artist Gaudi, whose many works embellish the city at large and speak of a deeper and greater Love. after visiting the church he so grandly envisioned and set into motion, The Sagrada Familia, we were lavished with wonder at the message of salvation told in such profound and exquisite works of art, it brought tears to my eyes. it was the most magnificent structure we have ever seen and it is not even half-way finished. in fact, the church is not expected to reach completion within our lifetime! so much passion and purpose in every carved stone, painted tile, and piece of stained glass, all fitted together in a masterful display of worship to our Maker! overall, our time in Spain was quite refreshing, humbling and inspiring to say the least. and we hope these stories, images and influences will continue to move us out of our over-demanding, time-concious little world and into a spacious place of enjoying the inner luxuries of peace, gratitude and generosity God has given us each and every day. thank you, Barcelona for reminding us of our true home and divine calling as children of the King. life is so much more than what it seems...

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