Friday, February 22, 2013


These grey days take their toll.
I find myself sleeping late, dragging my feet, 
closing windows and doors and burying myself deep.

If only humans could hibernate!
I would so love to crawl into a warm dark cave
and cozy up all winter-long.
But alas, there is too much to do, too much to not neglect.
Obligations, opportunities and over-commitments.
Too much to miss.
So I choose to wake up each morning.
Make the bed and open the curtains wide,
letting the white light disperse the inner rooms of the soul.
Light brings warmth no matter the external temperature.
I soak it in.
Choose to look for the beauty around me.
Or create it if it's not easily found.
Choose to bless.
Choose to love.

And receive it.
This is sometimes the hardest.
Even at the end of an exhausting work day,
drained and spent,
Curtis reminds me there is still 
so much beauty in life,
 in me.
Beauty not meant to hide under the covers.
Or wallow in self-preservation-mode.
Beauty to be shared and savored.
Like good wine and sweet roses.
 Even on these grey days,
there is beauty and choosing and giving and receiving.
There is loving and longing and looking.
And there is finding.
Mostly when the choosing is made 
before the looking begins.
Choosing to be found.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for choosing to love and choosing to WRITE!!!!