Friday, March 1, 2013


I'm finding myself home alone more often.
I actually enjoy just sitting quiet, listening 
to my favorite tunes, getting chores done, cooking...
I don't think I've been bored a day in my life.
I could definitely be a stay-at-home wife! :)

The times I'm spending in stillness teach me so much.
The books, the writing down and underlining of simple
truths that set my heart and mind in the right places...
I need this space.
I need gratitude.
I need grace for myself and all my wanderings.
Starting over for the 3rd time in my gratitude journal.
So many gifts in just a little over a year...
So moving to look back on all the small and 
seemingly insignificant gifts that over time compile into 
this beautiful generosity over our lives...

Gifts we certainly didn't deserve and sadly forget 
so easily in all the bustle and business of day-to-day routine.
Forgetting even to say, "thank you!"
Taking the time to reflect on this Goodness gives me perspective.
I find inspiration to give the day a chance to surprise me again,
to give Him space to make me new again.

I wonder what wonderful gifts are in store for today!

1 comment:

Florida Life said...

Love that idea Annie!!